
Music Review of 2012

Shall we?

The Most Badass Riffs of 2012

  1. Taree” | Soundgarden
  2. There are two badass riffs in this song. Now, that’s just showing off.

  3. Wish You Well” | Tremonti
  4. Mark Tremonti is easily the most underrated guitarist of his generation.

  5. Black Daze” | Overkill
  6. A classic thrash riff from a classic thrash band. Bludgeoning and groovy (what?!).

  7. Jack Staff” | Greenleaf
  8. One of those riffs that will stay with you for a very, very long time.

  9. The Devil Takes Care of His Own” | Band of Skulls
  10. Jimmy Page called and he wants to congratulate you.


Top 50 Albums of 2011

50. The Whole Love

The Whole Love - Wilco

Hailing from: Chicago, Illinois, USA
You will like if you like: My Morning Jacket, Uncle Tupelo, Pure Reason Revolution
Choice cut: The Art of Almost
Blast from the past: Heavy Metal Drummer


Top 20 Albums of 2010

Let’s kick off with a list.


Because lists are easy to write, though compiling them is a chore – having done many a list in my lifetime, there have always been regrets and oversights. Hindsight is the biggest enemy of the list-maker, but there is no doubt of a list’s impact in starting discussions. That’s why I love lists.

Let’s set some ground rules:

1-  I must have listened to the album in full in any format (CD, MP3, vinyl etc.)
2- It has to be a 2010 release in the UK or in the US.
3- It has to be quite good
4- It has to be original material (no live albums, re-recordings, best-ofs, and/or cover extravaganzas). Sadly this ruled out Opeth’s Live Concert at the Royal Albert Hall.

So, in ascending order, these are the Top 20 Albums of 2010. Enjoy.